Records, Personal Papers, & Genealogical Data

Boggs' Academy Advertisement

Virginia Herald

7 October 1808



The subscriber will continue his school the ensuing year nigh [near] the upper Church, in Berkley Parish, in which will be taught the English, Greek, and Latin languages, Geography, Book Keeping, and Arithmetic.  That part of astronomy which is necessary to give pupils a correct and intimate knowledge of Geography will be taught. - To improve their minds, and facilitate their progress in the several departments of useful science, Lectures will be given on the subjects of Religion, History, the Politics of Nations, Natural and Oral Philosophy.  Mr. Joshua Long, whose place of residence is nigh [near] the above mentioned church, about 26 miles from Fredericksburg, will take in boarders at 20 pounds annum if their bedding be sound, or 22 pounds if he needs bedding. Board may also be had at several other places in the neighborhood.  The situation is eligible and healthy - The price for Tuition in the Greek and Latin languages will be Twenty-five Dollars per annum - for Arithmetic, English Grammar, and Book Keeping, Twenty Dollars.  Those who wish to entrust pupils to the care of the subscriber, will please to make application before first of December.  The School will commence on the 16th of January, 1809.


Hugh C. Boggs

Spotsylvania, Oct 1, 1808

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Travis M. Boggs
